Our Mission
The mission of the Phillipsburg Area Historical Society (PAHS) is to preserve and honor the history and integrity of the land, people and properties in Phillipsburg and surrounding communities and to pass on, through education, an understanding of the past and the importance of its preservation for the future.
To gather , preserve and make available to a wide audience materials such as art, books, clippings, photographs, etc. pertinent to the history of the area; to encourage preservation of historic structures and those of architectural merit; work with the region’s schools and faculty to promote an awareness of the region’s history; work with area organizations and government entities to promote historic/cultural tourism; disseminate and make available materials relating to the area’s history; restore and maintain the Roseberry Homestead; build an organization that will carry on these tasks.
For purposes of research and expenditures, the Phillipsburg area shall be defined as the Town of Phillipsburg, the boroughs of Alpha and Bloomsbury, and the following townships: Pohatcong, Harmony, Lopatcong, and Greenwich.

Not for Profit Status
Phillipsburg Area Historical Society is a registered not-for-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and therefore is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance
with Code section 170. Phillipsburg Area Historical Society also meets New Jersey State Charitable status under registration #CH4170400 and can publicly solicit contributions.

President: Melissa Lupi
Vice President: Richard Backes
Recording Secretary: Carol Lupi
Treasurer: Pamela Backes
Corresponding Secretary: (un-filled)
Board Members
Donna Fulton – Chairperson
Carol Lupi
Susan Beall
Bettyann Roseberry Wright